As you see, the cat has found her new favorite spot. Actually, she seems to have staked out sleeping territory all over the place. The living room windowsill, my bedroom windowsill, under the pedestal sink in the bathroom, the middle of the couch, the chair in the guest room, anywhere in my bed where I'm trying to put my feet, etc. She seems quite content in our new home, though I think I will try to walk her in the park tomorrow. She'll probably be terrified, but I want to give it a shot.
I am quite content in our new home, too. I'm almost totally unpacked (one more box of books to go), and would be totally unpacked except that I keep discovering more little things that need attention (dresser drawer is falling apart--buy glue). I could never have managed this week without my fantastic parents, who assembled furniture, shopped for necessary items, and generally made sure everything was in order.
I could have done it all myself, but it would have been much harder, since I had three tests to take, five different kinds of orientation sessions to attend, besides auditioning for an ensemble and meeting with my advisor(s--I'm not entirely sure whether Renaissance Prof or Department Chair is my advisor. I was supposed to meet with Renaissance Prof from the beginning, but then Department Chair wanted to meet with me for an advisement session as well, though he wasn't at all helpful and I still had to see Renaissance Prof to clear it all up.), then registering for the classes so helpfully picked out for me by Department Chair. I'm sort of psyched about having to take Music Theory Review, because it's listed as being taught by Famous Choral Composer this semester. Some older, wiser grad students cautioned me that Famous Choral Composer sometimes delegates this task to T.A.'s or the professor assigned to the course changes at the last minute, but it still might be FCC, so that's cool.
Oh, and the prof I'm supposed to assist hasn't attempted to contact me, and hasn't replied to the email I sent her, and hasn't been in the office for the last two days. I have no idea whether or not I'm expected to be at the first class or not. I've come to the conclusion that if being a graduate student is this hard before classes even start, the next four or five years are going to be insane. But hopefully I'll come out of it with my sanity intact, and a PhD to boot.
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