04 January 2011

It's 5 O'Clock
Lamb marinates in wine, olive oil, garlic, and some sea salt from the package that was in the Pascha basket we took to St. Andrews Russian Catholic church to be blessed last year.

The laundry waits to be folded.

Dinner is on-the-fly tonight because of choir practice, rather than at the dining room table, but I still feel smug about my Christmas dining table decorations.

The dog waits forlornly for his dinner. Just a little bit longer, honey!

The star on the tree lights the way for the Magi. Our parish, like most others in the US, celebrated Epiphany on Sunday, but at home we will wait the full twelve days before the Magi arrive at our creches. The decorations will probably remain up until after the Baptism of the Lord next Sunday.

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