02 September 2007

A Week of Mary

September 8 is the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, and to celebrate we will share one hymn a day up to the feast. The Bogurodzica is a Polish hymn dating from the beginning of the 15th century. It appears to be a long hymn, but I could only find an English translation of the first few stanzas.

Bogurodzica Dziewica,
Bogiem slawiena Maryja, u twego Syna Gospodzina,
Matko zwolena, Maryja.
Zisci nam, spusci nam,
Kyrie eleison.
Twego dziela Chrzciciela, Bozycze,
Uslysz glosy, napeln mysli czlowiecze,
Slysz modlitwe, jaz nosimy.
A dac raczy, jegoz prosimy:
A na swiecie zborzny pobyt,
Po zywocie rajski pzebyt.
Kyrie eleison.

Virgin Mother of God
Blessed by God, Mary, by your Son
The Lord, chosen Mother, Mary.
Ask for us prosperity, send it down,
Lord have mercy.
Because of Your Son,
The Divine Child, hear our voices,
Fulfill our desires, hear the prayers we
Send through You, and deign to give us
What we ask: here on earth, a happy
Stay, and after death a sojourn in Heaven.
Lord have mercy.

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