18 April 2009

Music for the Funeral of M.M.B. Fitzgibbons, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish

Introit: Requiem aeternam
Psalm: Chabanel setting, with refrain "Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me."
Alleluia: to the tune of "O Filii et Filiae"
Offertory: Ave Maria (Rheinberger)
Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Requiem Mass (chant)
Communion: Pie Jesu (Fauré)
Recessional: In paradisum

There was no organ in the church, so my husband played the piano for the things that were accompanied. We got a lot of compliments afterwards. I was just happy that I managed not to cry. Crying makes singing very difficult, and I think my grandmother would rather that I sang for her than cried. I did almost break down once, though, when I saw my grandfather covering his face with his hands. My uncle and aunt and cousins cried a lot, but my mother and I are not really the crying sort when it comes to funerals. I think it may be because we know that though my grandmother is gone from us, her existence hasn't ended, and we have the hope of seeing her again someday. My uncle and his family are agnostics or atheists, and don't really believe in an afterlife as far as I know, so to them this is truly the end. I grieve, but grief is overshadowed by hope in the Resurrection.

Christ is risen!

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