ClothesWhen flowers start to bloom and the weather warms, most girls of my acquaintance start thinking about spring and summer clothes. Lightweight skirts and dresses, sandals, a cute hat or two to keep that delicate complexion from too much sun. Those of you who tan nicely, rather than just turn unsightly shades of pink and mottled red, can keep that to yourselves, by the way.
I probably won't be buying many new things this spring. I bought plenty of new clothes last year--mostly fancy things, anticipating job interviews and a job that never came--and wonder of wonders, even after eating my own cooking for a year they all still fit me. Even with budgetary considerations, and space "constraints" (I've already kicked my husband's clothes into one of the hall closets, though to be fair I let him put
both the long gun and handgun safes in my closet), I can still ogle the pretties. If I had all the money in the world and a genuine need for new clothes, here are some things that might be on my list:
Floral-embroidered linen dressSailor-inspired collar and birdcages on the hem!Sash-front layered skirtOrvis:
Ribbon-trim straw sunhatButton-front vestL.L. Bean:
Mountain Laurel Sport Sandals. Not so glamorous, I know, but pretty enough and practical: I spend a lot of my springs and summers walking on uneven surfaces like gravelly festival parking lots, dirt trails, and grassy fields, through which I am often running in pursuit of an escaped dog. Practical and comfortable are important.
Washable linen skirt--one in every color, please!Rain bucket hat, because unlike Washington and California, it rains on the East Coast during the summer.
Coldwater Creek:
Crinkle flare skirtPrint-detail clocheAll pretty, and pretty modest. What clothes do you love for spring and summer?