23 November 2005

Last Sunday

If you want to know how the Mass went, you'll have to ask Lizzy, as I wasn't there. It was our version of a Solemn High Mass (deacon and subdeacon--doesn't look like they found six acolytes). It was all sung, and the ordinaries were a Mass setting by Palestrina (Missa Brevis, I believe). The Knights of Columbus came. I wish I could have been there, but since I couldn't, the organist (who also happens to be my sweetheart) was kind enough to capture some images for me. These are the best two (click for larger view):

22 November 2005

St. Cecilia's Day

Happy feast of St. Cecilia! In honor of the feast, here are some of my favorite music links:

Choral Public Domain Library
The Red Hot Jazz Archive
Llio Rhydderch
Anonymous 4
Pink Martini

21 November 2005

For the Feast of Christ the King:

Christus vincit. Christus regnat. Christus imperat.
Exaudi, Christe.
Ecclesiae sanctae Dei, supra regnorum fines nectenti animas: salus perpetua!
Redemptor mundi. Tu illam adiuva.
Sancta Maria. Tu illam adiuva.
Sancte Ioseph. Tu illam adiuva.
Christus vinci. Christus regnat. Christus imperat.
Rex regum. Rex noster. Spes nostra. Gloria nostra.
Christus vincit. Christus regnat. Christus imperat.
Ipsi soli imperium, laus et iubilatio, per infinita saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Tempora bona habeant, redempti sanguine Christi!
Feliciter! Feliciter! Feliciter!
Pax Christi veniat!
Regnum Christi veniat!
Deo gratias. Amen.

You can find a translation here.

16 November 2005

And There Was Much Head-Shaking

I normally refrain from posting anything of a political nature, because I do not understand politics, nor do I particularly care to. (Yes, I vote, but it mostly consists of frantically calling my dad the day before asking him to explain everything to me.) I have put off posting a link to this story, but I feel like I really ought to, because this particular story really galls me; in part because it hits rather close to home (specifically, an hour and half drive from my parents house), in part because it involves a school which calls itself Catholic (a creature I am very familiar with), and in part because I think the student and her family have been wronged by said institution.
Yes, I'm talking about Katelyn Sills and her family's dealings with Loretto High School in Sacramento. I find the behavior of the school to be appalling.

I wish I'd had the guts that she and her mother have during my one year as a student at Justin-Siena High School in Napa. My religion teacher that year was pretty clearly a heretic. The class was "Christian Scripture," and we watched "Godspell", "Jesus Christ Superstar" and a documentary about the 1960's in class, which rather puzzled me, as I still don't know what the cultural revolution of the 60's has to do with Christian scripture, other than being largely contrary to it. I don't recall learning anything much about Christian scripture in that class, though it was an educational experience in some sense: I learned that most of my classmates, despite 9 years of Catholic education, did not know what "transubstantiation" meant; I learned one way of being a totally ineffective teacher; I learned that there are some people I just should not attempt to engage in conversation, because it will be fruitless; I learned that Justin-Siena was not the right school for me.

I wish I'd been able to stand up and say, "This is not right. She knows nothing about Catholicism and should not be teaching religion here. And please tell the English prof who wears tiny shorts to put on some trousers." But I was too shy and just wanted to go back to Trinity Prep where I wouldn't have to put up with all of that. I am proud to say that I managed to get one word in. When I announced that I was leaving, the principle (who knew me, because I had dance classes with his daughter) asked me what the school could have done to keep me there, and to attract more students like me (probably meaning smart kids--I led almost all my classes there--or maybe kids who actually went to Mass on Sunday), and I said, "The changes you would have to make to attract students like me would drive away most of the six hundred students you have now. You might have a school with a hundred intelligent, devout Catholics, but you wouldn't have much of a business."

Catholic schools should not hire teachers who take any action that supports the Culture of Death, the culture of contraception, abortion, and euthanasia. This is a horrible example to present to impressionable children and young adults. Until the mentality that supports the Culture of Death can be eradicated from our Church, the other problems we all complain about--including my pet peeve, liturgical tomfoolery--will not go away. It is all related, and if you think it isn't, you're fooling yourself.

Katelyn, you've got more guts than I have, and I hope things turn out well for you and your family. If you're in the market for a new school and don't mind the idea of a long commute, I'm sure Trinity Grammar and Prep in Napa would lay out the welcome mat for an articulate and fearlessly Catholic young lady like yourself.

10 November 2005

Melody and Harmony

Mixolydian Mode's tune of the day is our blog's namesake! Go and have a listen.

09 November 2005

Alle Psalite and the Goblet of Fire

Here is an unbelievably creepy website. It's just Harry Potter, true, but I wouldn't recommend it to younger kids, although past versions of HarryPotter.com haven't been too scary. The books are unmistakably dark- there is a double murder in the very first chapter!- but this book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is where things get even darker. The movie, in theatres November 18, promises to be scarier than the others. It is the first of the Potter Movies to have a PG-13 rating.

02 November 2005

St. Cecilia and the Founding Father

Here is an article which may be of interest. A previously unknown poem written by Charles Carroll, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independance, has been found at a Jesuit high school in England. The poem is in Latin, and describes the martyrdom of St. Cecilia.

01 November 2005

Added to the blogroll at left is the blog of Perry Lorenzo. He's the Director of Education for Seattle Opera, and has a lot of lovely things to say, especially on the subject of beauty. I was priviledged to hear him speak here at GU a while back, on the subject Beauty and Hans Urs von Balthasar. So, go and do some reading!